Become Rotary Swing Tour Certified
and teach the only scientifically validated swing method on the planet today

Rotary Swing Tour (RST) Certification is reserved for the very brightest and knowledgeable instructors in the world. When students take lessons from RST Certified golf instructors, they are guaranteed to be working with the most extensively trained and tested golf instructors anywhere.

To become RST Certified is not easy. The tests are very hard and require a deep understanding of many disciplines typical golf instructor training neglects.

It is required that all potential candidates progress through each level, starting with the Level 1 certification. Once Level 1 is passed, you will have attained knowledge and understanding about the golf swing that will far surpass anything available to anyone else in the golf instruction industry and will be well on your way to becoming one of the select few "Master Rotary Swing Instructors."

Determining if RST Certification is right for you

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I am humble enough (and smart enough) to always believe that there might be a better way, and I'm not afraid to change when I find it
  • I need help explaining to students why they haven't improved using other approaches to instruction
  • I'm tired of teaching "what" to do without fully comprehending the "why" and the "how"
  • When students ask me questions, I want to be able to answer with facts rather than opinions
  • I can't figure out why most physical activities have a single "best" standard while swing theories are all contradictory
  • I'd like to make money even during off-peak months through an online lesson system
  • I'd feel better about my swing theory if I KNEW it wasn't creating excessive stress on my students' bodies
  • I want what I teach to be based on the research of doctors, biomechanists, learning experts, AND golf experts rather than JUST golf experts
  • I want my own teacher to encourage me to question him so we can both learn more
  • I would like to be able to refer my students to additional materials that support what I'm teaching them
  • I wish I knew how to take advantage of the internet to drive business through my door
  • I would like to be associated with a growing brand that represents unprecedented improvement in my industry

If a few of these struck a chord with you, be sure to read on to learn how you can start your journey toward Master Rotary Swing Instructor...

Below you will find a high-level summary of each certification level; details and sign-up information can be accessed by clicking on the title of the level.

Level 1 Certification

rst certified golf instructors

The first certification level is primarily focused on increasing the instructor's knowledge base so he or she can teach the fundamentals of the safest, most efficient swing based on current research while maximizing students' practice time and effecting real change. The information that must be learned just to pass Level 1 requires on average 100 hours of study on swing mechanics, physics, anatomy, biomechanics, physiology and more.

Click Here to Learn Morea and Sign Up to Take Level 1 Exam

Level 2 Certification

Level 2 Certification builds upon the foundation of Level 1 while adding significantly more detail of the mechanics and biomechanics of the swing. A strong base knowledge from Level 1 is required in order to truly understand many of the complex topics covered in Level 2. Significant time is devoted to the cause and effect relationships of different movements, setup issues and tendencies in the golf swing that the instructor will face on the lesson tee. To become Level 2 certified, not only will you have to fully understand the mechanics of the golf swing, but you'll have to demonstrate it in person with an RST Trainer. You will be required to give four 1 hour golf lessons to a participant while the RST Trainer observes. A pass/fail grade is given for this part of the exam. At this level, you are expected to be an expert at giving lessons in person, so passing Level 2 is done completely in person. You will need to provide the students for your lessons and they are to be performed at our Ritz-Carlton Orlando golf academy location.

Additional Requirements: You must be an active, listed (in good standing) level 1 RST Instructor for a minimum of (2) years or more to qualify for level 2 testing, as mentioned in the above paragraph.

Master Certification

Becoming a Master RST Instructor is the pinnacle of golf instruction. Not only will you fully understand the biological processes that occur during the learning process, you will have a masterful understanding of anatomy, biomechanics, injury causation, cause and effect of ball flight and swing mechanics and have to demonstrate it working with an RST Trainer over 3 days in person. An extensive online exam requiring you to study video and screen captures of different golf swings will thoroughly test your understanding of the golf swing and ensure you can work with all golfers from beginners to the elite.

Additional Requirements: You must be an active, listed (in good standing) level 2 RST Instructor for a minimum of (5) years or more to qualify for Master Instructor Certification, as mentioned in the above paragraph.

Kaizen Requirements & Benefits to Becoming Certified (Continuing Education)

The Rotary Swing Tour system is a product of years of continuous learning and improvement. All RST Certified instructors are expected to continue their pursuit of excellence in golf instruction, always furthering their knowledge and abilities. Click the link to learn more about the monthly and annual requirements and fees.

We're after one thing: Real Results - Real Fast. And that's exactly what our members achieve. And that's why they say the AXIOM is: Mind-blowing. Game changing. Revolutionary.

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Here at RotarySwing, talk is cheap and the proof is always in the pudding. Come see the massive transformations we can achieve together in your swing.

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From beginner to pro, we have what you need to get you where you want to go.

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RotarySwing was founded out of frustration with the current state of golf instruction. Quinton knew a better way had to exist to learn this game we all love.

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