Rotary Swing Golf (RSG) Certified Instructor Code of Conduct
(Last Revised March 31, 2010)

In order for Rotary Swing Tour (RST) Certified Instructors to fulfill RSG's purpose and maintain Certified Instructor status, strict adherence to the RSG Code of Conduct is required. However, the professional conduct expected of Certified Instructors is not limited to the observance of rules and avoidance of prohibited acts, and the conduct requirements listed below shall not be deemed to be all -inclusive nor shall the failure by RSG to specify any particular act of misconduct be construed as tolerance thereof.

Any RST Certified Instructor who fails to act in accordance with the RSG Certified Instructor Code of Conduct and/or acts in any manner that is not in the best interest of Rotary Swing Golf will lose the right to promote himself/herself as a RST Certified Instructor.


  • Req 1 - Certified Instructors will, at all times, demonstrate integrity and respect to those who have placed their trust in them and their professional abilities.
  • Req 2 - Potential students expect the best instruction available; therefore, it is the duty of each Certified Instructor to continue to learn any new techniques or improvements to the RST system and share them as appropriate with their students. (This includes maintaining an active Premium Membership to
  • Req 3 - Only Certified Instructors in good standing have the right to identify themselves as current RST Certified Instructors. Furthermore, Level I and Level II Certified Instructors must accurately identify themselves as such in their promotional efforts.
  • Req 4 - Certified Instructors are not required or expected to be human body experts. However, golf instruction inherently involves altering the body movements of students. Therefore, Certified Instructors have an obligation to put forth reasonable effort in learning how to teach students to swing as safely as possible.
  • Req 5 - No Certified Instructor may market any equipment as "Rotary Swing Golf Endorsed" unless sold in the online Golf Store or given prior approval by an employed representative of RSG.
  • Req 6 - RSG constantly strives to provide services resulting in mutually beneficial relationships with Certified Instructors. There are costs associated with the services provided by RSG. Therefore, Certified Instructors must meet financial obligations to RSG promptly and conduct all business dealings in a manner befitting the standards of RSG. (See Kaizen Requirements web page for the latest monthly/annual fees.)
  • Req 7 - Certified Instructors must demonstrate role model behavior, in terms of sportsmanship and professionalism, so as not to cause embarrassment to any professional acquaintances or damage the reputation of RSG.
  • Req 8 - Recognition as a Certified Instructor on necessitates discretion in any communication or comments made via RSG-owned internet domains, including, but not limited to, the Golf Forums, Golf Blog, Video Community and Online Lesson System. In addition to expecting professional and courteous interactions, RSG's online visitors expect objective, fact -based advice and will not tolerate unfounded opinions or opinions expressed as facts. (This does not mean opinions cannot be shared; just be sure they are identified as such.) Similar standards are recommended when communicating on non RSG-owned websites and mandatory when identifying oneself as a RST Certified Instructor.

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